

zhǐ liú

  • AI解释


  1. 从阻止某人或某事的角度:可以理解为不许留下或者不允许某人、某物停留。
  2. 从自我约束的角度:也可以理解为自己控制不去做某些事情,不让其发生。


  1. 在处理那些不必要的物品时,我们应当采取果断行动,做到该丢的就丢掉,不留任何多余的负担,这是对自己负责的表现。
  2. 译文:When dealing with unnecessary items, we should take decisive actions to get rid of the things that are not needed and stop leaving any extra burden behind; this is a demonstration of being responsible for oneself.

  3. 面对诱惑时保持清醒的头脑,停止让自己沉迷其中,这是防止自己陷入无谓麻烦的关键。

  4. 译文:When faced with temptations, keep a clear head to prevent yourself from getting entangled and stop leaving yourself caught in meaningless troubles.

  5. 在团队合作中,要明确目标和责任分工,确保每个人的工作范围清晰,避免超出个人能力范围的事情留下未完成的状态。

  6. 译文:In team collaboration, it is essential to clarify goals and division of responsibilities to ensure that each person's work scope is clear, and avoid leaving any unfinished tasks beyond one’s capabilities.

  7. 对于一些需要决策的重要时刻,保持冷静和理性思考,停止过度的情绪化行为,才能做出正确判断。

  8. 译文:During critical moments requiring decisions, stay calm and think rationally to stop getting overly emotional and make the right judgments.

  9. 在日常生活中培养良好的习惯,如定时作息、合理饮食等,这些都能帮助我们保持健康的身体状态,也是对自我的一种“止留”,即不允许自己长期处于不健康的状态。

  10. 译文:In our daily lives, cultivating good habits such as regular sleep and balanced diet can help us maintain a healthy body; this is also an act of "stopping" ourselves from long-term unhealthy conditions.




1 停住不动:~步。截~。2 拦阻,使停住:~痛。禁~。3 仅,只:~有此数。不~一回。4 古同“趾”,脚;脚趾头。


1 停止在某一个地方:停~。~学。~任。~级。~步。~守。~驻。2 注意力放在上面:~心。~神。~意。3 不忍舍弃,不忍离去:~连。~恋。4 不使离开:~客。~宿。挽~。拘~。5 接受:收~。6 保存:保~。~存。~别。~念。~后路。