

gěi/jǐ zú

  • 修订版
  • AI解释

1. 丰富充裕,足供所需。《后汉书.卷三五.曹襃传》:「其秋大孰,百姓给足,流宂皆还。」


  1. 给予足够的支持或信任:这通常指一个人对另一个人提供了他们所需的支持、鼓励或者认可。这种表达经常出现在人际关系中。
  2. 给予充分的时间或空间:有时也用来表示给某人足够的时间去思考、行动,或者为某事预留充足的空间。


  1. 尽管项目面临很多困难,李经理还是给了团队足够的支持,让他们感受到被尊重和信任。

  2. Translation: Although the project faced many challenges, Manager Li still provided sufficient support to his team, making them feel respected and trusted.

  3. 老师决定给小明足够的时间来完成作业,以便他能有时间思考并理解所学知识。

  4. Translation: The teacher decided to give Xiao Ming enough time to finish the homework so he could have time to think about and understand what he had learned.

  5. 父母尽量给孩子们充分的个人空间和自由去探索世界,而不是过度干涉他们的生活。

  6. Translation: Parents try their best to give children sufficient personal space and freedom to explore the world without overstepping into their lives.

  7. 为了避免误会,我们最好给对方足够的时间去表达自己的观点,并且认真倾听。

  8. Translation: To avoid misunderstandings, it's better that we give each other enough time to express our views and listen carefully.

  9. 在比赛中,队员们互相给足了信心,最终赢得了比赛。

  10. Translation: During the competition, team members boosted each other’s confidence and eventually won the match.



1 脚:~下(对对方的敬称)。~迹。~球。~坛。失~。高~(敬辞,称别人的学生)。举~轻重。画蛇添~。2 器物下部的支撑部分:鼎~。碗~。3 充分,够量:~月。~见。~智多谋。4 完全:~以。~色。5 值得,够得上:不~为凭。微不~道。6 增益:以昼~夜。